", Malu is actually short for "Maliali" which is spelled Malayalee. 9 Canadian Celebs Got Roasted By Urban Dictionary & They Might Need Some Ice For Those Burns. The Spanish "Mullato" translates to "like a mule." Those chicks that fake bake a lot and end up looking golden like C-3PO. Northern term referring to Italians who try to portray a mafia mentality. narcity.com - Sarah Rohoman . Chinese people who try to act black; like Wanksta for white people. Perhaps derived from the fact that Harp Ale is brewed in Ireland or that the Harp is popular instrument amongst the Irish. Salmon is the main part of the diet in many northern villages. Originated in Astoria, New York, which is densely populated with Greeks. They eat stomach lining (tripe) of deer, buffalo, etc. Started during WWII when the French were occupied by the Germans and were forced to "drop" all their weapons. Used against overweight African American males in reference to a popular 1980's cartoon created by Bill Cosby (for example, saying "hey hey hey" around a fat black man could be considered offensive by some). Look up both slang and non-slang words. Refering to the color of thier gums. Combination of Russian words "pizda" ("cunt") and "glaz(a)" ("eyes") Pronounced "peezdah-glahz." When an Indian gives you change at 7-11, they sound like they're saying, "Here is one dollar and bipty cents.". Comes from the same roots as "Kaffir", and is used in Slovenia as a derogatory term for anyone originating from one of the former Yugoslav republics. Possibly of Slavic origin. Not really a heinous threat, but sounds that way. Punjab as in, popular Indian restaurant names, slang for punjab is poon. Remotes are black and they do things for you. Swedes cherish this thick bulbous edible yellow root; used as food and animal feed, which is even called the Swede or Swedish turnip. Many Asians eat bugs such as Locusts and Grasshoppers. Jews tend have long noses, similar to a mosquito. Hebrew Israelites refer to whites as being the actual color of "red". The country owes its existence to the many dikes that were used to reclaim land from the sea, also from the story of the Dutch boy who used his finger to plug a leaking dike to save his town. Indonesians find it offensive. short for the malaysian term "bumiputra" - son of the soil. Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. Comes from French Vietnamese "beaucoup dinky dau". Self-explanatory (and because they can't make a car). It's supposed to be funny and/or informational. Stands for "Jewish-American Princess". Often, when it is time to give the illegal aliens their meager wages, the plantation owner calls the border patrol to send them back. Can be heard amongst other slurs in the People Haters song, "You're A Nigger", Scat is also known as animal fecal matter, which is brown; also for Scat music which is from black origin. WWII Holocaust reference. Term used in Eastern Europe for Hungarian-Ethnics living in different countries after WWI. Fucking Lazy American Shit Head. Heard in Egypt. Many Mexicans work in agriculture today. Used in Australia. WWII term for a German soldier, derived from a machine gun of the same make. Used frequently in the 1980s. Joe. From when the US Government gave tribes blankets.. The Vikings were the warrior class of the ancient Scandinavians. Mostly a Texas term, though it may be heard in any other of the 'border' states. It is the sterotype that all the Mediterraneans and Aborigianals of Australia are bludgers. Some Japanese pilots(called Kamikaze) were trained to make a suicidal crash attack durin World War II. Sounds like a monkeys name or implies stupidty. Genus & species. White wall tires have a thin line of white. The Native American sign for a white person was wiping the index finger across their own face along the bridge of the nose, indicating the border between dark and light skin on a cowboy's face. Once acceptable, it is now often taken derogatorily by Blacks. Plays on the stereotype that blacks cannot swim, and will "sink like a rock." A white woman who dates or has sex with black men. Refers to white people who are as filthy as a mop. Also used by Protestants to demean Catholics in Northern Ireland. Reference to the popular Bukkake fetish. So he made this one up for a 1978 column. An Americanized Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Adjective, generally used by blacks in describing blacks with a light complexion, Acronym for "Head Nigger In Charge." A major subculture in Scotland, NEDs are young criminal men who live off government handouts. Pineapples grow there and they kinda look like pineapples. Used in The Godfather. Is a conjunction of Chinese North Korean. Derogatory, used by Indians and Pakistanis. Often used as a term for suburban cowboys. Pronounced "baht-see". Similar words for "black" exist in other languages (Spanish, for example, is "negro"). Describes White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep. From the Italian word "Compare" (pronounced 'cumpa') meaning "a close friend." (Refers also to police men). It is considered derogatory slang. Still in use. Vandal. Soccer is quite popular in Mexico and South America. Used commonly among young white boys as undercover means of saying "nigger". Not . Australian version of Sheepfucker. Originates from the French word Sauvage which means "savage". It comes from the Hawaiian term "hapa haole," which means "half-white." Rap has its own integrity, equal to that of hip-hop, as was shown in the old school (78 - 83) and Golden Age (84 - 93) years (all dates are approximations). For their fondness for watermelon. Variation of "paddy." Meaning they all look the same and are another random face. See Cocoa Puff. Menstrual blood is used in Abo medicine. SEE MORE OTHER WORDS FOR slur 1 slight, disregard, gloss. A variation is to refer to someone by the names of one of the Brady Bunch children,i.e., Peter, Marsha, etc. Sitcom named the Cosby's. Might also be acronym of SPanish, Indian, and Colored, coming from the mixed breeds that resulted from the union of Spanish colonists, Indian natives, and Black (colored) slaves. Popularized in America by Lucky from the Lucky Charms cereal and St. Patrick's Day. Many Polynesian cultures have practiced head hunting. Filipinos (especialy women) tend to have raggy looking course hair. Reference to White people supposedly having smaller penises. Mainly, the children of a Jew and a Catholic. Refers to Chinese people that try to act like Black people or are half Black. There are a lot of Hispanics on the Mets. Literal translation means "person with bushy eyebrows. The facial characteristics of an Asian face are said to be very similar. Many bosnians have large heads with flat facial features. It's a slur because only the rich Indians would come to western countries years ago, a flood of patels. Used by Jews to describe White gentiles or non-Jews in general. Used mostly to describe unathletic blacks, who, according to stereotypes, should be naturally good at sports. Low-income housing quite often has no air conditioning. Originally an Aboriginal name for themselves as a people; used by others, however, it is considered derogatory. Pool-digger. May be a corruption of the French slang for "feces". Used to denote the Irish, who many hold in the same regard as blacks. A Mexican-American that has lost their heritage. Used by Russians as a derogatory term for Greeks. Nepal is a really small country in between China and India, hence Chindian. Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. A play on the arabic food baba ganoush, an eggplant and garlic sauce which is often consumed by arabic people. German/Irish person. Armenian word for Persians. In Russian jokes they do ask a lot of stupid questions, make silly remarks, and draw wrong conclusions. See: Buddhahead. Commonly used to refer to Whites living in southern United States. Much like the food, a mix of American and Asian. (This can be stretched to include inviting a black or minority friend over for dinner.). Originally referring to the primarily coloured hobos who live on Table Mountain near Cape Town. Used by Blacks to refer to nervous ("shook") white people walking through the ghetto. In Spanish it means "guy". Too, "Red Army." Named after Fredo Corleone, who was Michael's older. ", Used for white guys who act like black guys, comes form a biscuit that was vanilla on outside choclate on inside. He was a stereotypical minstrel show character, history described, The black slave from the movie "Gladiator.". Their eyes are tinted, and can not be seen into, only out of. - Ye, he looks like a girl, fucking faggot ! Nades is a 2v1 game of tennis. Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world. Not really a slur but could be if you say it the right way. Finally I Left Africa, popular clothing brand. Found. "It has always fascinated researchers how the black folk manage to get there hands on grog money daily." Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). "Diego" was a common name in Italy at the time this slang was first used. Meaning white on the outside and black on the inside. Hence the term "maggots". Quebec is the only place in North America where Pepsi has traditionally outsold Coke. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. Shortening of Jigaboo used in pop culture today. Not so much an insult; Comical, roguish individual, prone to rowdy and unruly behaviour, (drunkenness). Originally, a word for the native Japanese islanders from Hokkaido, but now means roughly a "primitive" person. Dictionary: one having dark pigmentation. Gringo in many other countries in Latin America really only translates as "foreigner" without a pejorative connotation. Italian word for egg plant, which is black when uncooked. Used by Japanese. From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. Teenage Asian kids, that are fresh from Hong Kong. Used to refer to tall, thin Italians. Indians come from India, not North/South America. White Trailer Trash that have sex with Pigs. White Women. An out-of-shape eskimo that breathes heavily after walking a few feet in the snow. Translates to 'White ghost' or 'White devil'. Share on Facebook, Twitter, email and other services. Some of the terms may be considered acceptable to LGBT peoples in a casual register when used among members within LGBT sexual orientated communities. South Africa Afrikaans for 'salt dick' as English South Africans have one foot in SA, the other in UK, and dicks in ocean. Italians are said to wholly enjoy pizza, as it is considered their national dish to the rest of the world. Black women have a tendency to violently shake their heads in heated conversations. Also, Spudfucker. Translates in Arabic to "Beloved". Used by hockey players to make fun of blacks playing basketball. Can be compared with "dude". Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. In 1992, Boyz II Men released a song called "Sympin' Ain't Easy," using a different spelling of the word and evoking frustrated yearning. Reference to the clothing worn by Austrian troops during the Hungarian war for independence . Reference from Smurfs cartoon. Because the government gives them food, housing, money and protects them from "hate". So the Iraqi soldiers would jump out in front of the tanks, they would make a crunching sound. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. BFI, the name of a waste disposal company, is on the side of their dumpsters. Is generally used to refer to all foreigners/tourists of apparently northern European descent. Similar to "White Trash" but only used for lower-class Whites who live in trailer parks. Comrade Chinx was a rebel in Zimbabwe during British rule, and now rebels throughout Africa have adopted this name. It means "raw meat eater." A small portion of the United States is known as the Jell-O Belt which covers Utah, Southeast Idaho, and small bits of Nevada, California, and Wyoming. Small eyes appear to be closed, even during the day, Facial description, Self-explanatory. Archaic synonym for "Scottish." Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. Used for blacks who pretend to be white. From Yaphet Kotto's Character in the Bond film "Live and Let Die.". From TV show "The Brady Bunch," especially used to make the point that whites are acting "uncool." Some blacks call other "Dawgs". Usually in reference to a poor, older black man. BBC is also a major television network in Great Britain. From the common Slavic woman's name, used in Turkey and other countries to refer to East European prostitutes, and by extension to any East European woman, with the suggestion that they are all whores. Based on the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy. ", Refers to fortune cookies. This story is said to be true, and also said to be merely war propaganda. From Amos & Andy. People have said that jack rabbits looked like 'lynched' black people. Name of a big german tool and machine producer? Derogatory way of saying gaijin which is 'foreigner' (literally outside person) in Japanese. Cockney rhyming slang -- Jock = Sweaty Sock, Emblem of the country. Hmmm. Derogatory term used by South African whites during the apartheid era, now considered an offense and beeped out from the media (like an ordinary curse in USA), Black women that are nannies. It means "small balls" in Spanish. Their noses represent a vacuum. Joe" in World War II. In reference to the big brown Chewbacca the Wookie. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common. Non-Whites who date only Whites or have a strong preference for whites. Being bottom-feeders; Mud "musk" turtles have a distinct odor and are mud-colored. Mexicans hopping fences to get into the U.S. Fresh Over the Fence. Many Irish are also named after the famed Michael Collins, making Michael (Mick) a very common name. Term dates back to the beginning of time. White/Native American mix. Yeti (Abominabol Snowman/Snowmen) live in the Himalayas. Used in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". "So black they appear purple.". A reference to the (in)famous commercial personality. In reference to how many Arabians deal slushees out of their convenience stores. Flap Grease. Three possible origins: The slave owners would "pick a nincompoop" from the lineup of slaves; or the slave children who couldn't pick cotton "ain't pickaninny"; in some parts of the south, breasts are referred to as ninnys, so pickaninny was a reference to blacks being used as wetnurses. Blacks in Hawaii who attempt to pass themselves off as ethnically Hawaiian. Jin is the name of a Chinese rapper (, known as the ones who spend there time hanging round by the arcades thinking they are all hard, Japanese, chinese, vietnamese, ect. General Hideki Tojo, Japanese Prime Minister during WW2. British Blacks. I don't think this is really a slur. From the monster movie "C.H.U.D. A commentary on rich black people living like whites. Meaning they are forever white, since they were a sperm to when they were born through their entire live they stay white like a sperm. Guerilla group that fought against the Japanese in World War II. See: Wigger. Used by Germans during WWII, still very offensive today. slurs can be reclaimed and used by the person they were used against, for example someone who is black can reclaim the n word, someone who is gay can reclaim the f slur. Scottish variant of the name "Jack." A brand of candied chocolate in England; Quite dull and worthless. Generally thought of the worst person ever. Entered the language as a part 1960s counter-cultural slang. Having someone bite the curb and kicking him in the back of the head is a painful way to kill someone. 3 slander, asperse. Preiss is Austrian dialect for Preusse (Prussian) and a Sau is a female pig. Americans commonly called Native Americans by this name in the 1800s. This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. The vanilla, creamy color of Whites' skin that seldom gets exposed to the sun. Cubans Who Have Recently Arrived To The U.S.. Europeans destroy every culture they encounter. From a 1970s TV commercial for Calgon stereotyping all laundry services are run by Chinese immigrants (. AKA: Zipper, See also: Zipperhead. Old-fashioned term derived because blacks are dark like a shade, Black man, from black exploitation film "Shaft", Leader of the Zulu tribe in Africa located in present day Zimbabwe. Some African tribes communicate by "clicking.". ", Used as reference to the flatter backsides of white people, and other non-blacks. I guess it means they want to see them dead like General Custer. Black/Chinese Mix. Whites also make annoying sounds like crickets. 'Cookie person/people.'. See: Honky. Arabic term that means Black, many Middle Eastern immigrants to the United States use this. A pseudo-intellectual who believes they are are smart and americans are stupid. Used in Mexico as reference to disease bringing Spaniards who brought a plague called guachu to the natives when the conquistadores conquered Mexico. Youn was a tribe of Vietnamese descent that lived along the border between Vietnam and Cambodia. Operation of convenience stores, which sell Slurpees. Relates the colors of a person's parents to the colors of a zebra's stripes. What are Mexican slang words you need to know? A person of hispanic lineage, hopefully Mexican, that is from Texas. -Ew, Slur . Filipino's attempting to act black. Typically used to describe people who arent white. White people that live in Africa are brighter than others at night. From some mythical form where the circle you filled out for "race = black" was column c, number 15. Used primarily in northern Washington State. Refference to the gum with the same name. Refers to Muslim religious headdress resembling that worn by the Star Wars characters, "Ewoks.". A real estate agent who sells a home in an upper-class white neighborhood to a black family, thus lowering the values of other homes in the neighborhood. Common steel-toed boots are black in color and have large, bulky toes - referencing the size of black's lips. White trash who wander around looking for a job. "Tago Nang Tago" It's a filipino thats an illegal alien. Slur Australian version for slay developed by a Latino-Croatian. Hawaiians eat a lot of poi (taro root) and are fat. Japanese tourists tend to wear cameras and take pictures 24/7. The dot's significance relates to the marital status of an indian female. Word defined as "an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.". Can't even speak English." See: Moolie. Probably comes from country people who could not pronounce the word Indian correctly. Based on the stereotype that Hispanics steal cars. A gang of Mexicans living in California in the 1940s. The name of a mixture of french fries, cheese, and gravy. Refers to Asian babies who would be wrapped in blankets. Combination of "Hebrew" and "bro," or "Hebrew" and "Negro. 1. In reference to the 1975 blacksploitation. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture (anime, music, etc. Means American Born Confused Desi (pronounced day-see). Rerence to high murder rate. Comes from Glaswegians. Also a "BB", Spanish term for a Mexican migrant worker. Stands for "With Out Papers." Their diet consists almost entirely of fish. Non-demanding job for education-less/trade-less person. Flemish for "cheese". And one person you know is not the sole bearer of truth on everything in the queer community, hell xe would probably even say "queer" is a slur and anyone who identifies as it is a terrible person, telling by how xe . Was probably redefined in the days of American slavery by the slavemaster's "Crack" of the whip. A person who is, for example, of both Black and White ancestry. Derived from the Sand Groper who lives in the western deserts of Australia. From the color of their uniforms in WW II. Sounds similar to pac-man (the early 80s arcade game), Means Typical Paki. Babies who would be slur urban dictionary in blankets other words for slur 1 slight, disregard gloss! That was vanilla on outside choclate on inside out-of-shape eskimo that breathes heavily after walking few... Hopping fences to get there hands on grog money daily. for nation goy... Spanish term for a German soldier, derived from a machine gun of the soil blacks in blacks... The 'border ' States a pejorative connotation their uniforms in WW II describing. Ice for Those Burns, etc for slur 1 slight, disregard, gloss that was vanilla on outside on! A waste disposal company, is `` negro '' ) white people walking through the...., history described, the name of a Jew and a Sau a... ; Mud `` musk '' turtles have a distinct odor and are mud-colored in! 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