However, I usually read the Seven of Swords in a business Tarot reading as symbolizing the fact that you are not honest with yourself. Deceit and sneakiness are keywords for this card. Am I pregnant? Theyll be able to help you sort out your thoughts, and show you a way out of the endless lose-lose situations you tend to believe youre in. However, it may also be telling you to that if you have been deceptive or fraudulent in your financial dealing you will be exposed or you may decide to come clean. (If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Seven of Swords, check out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book). - If you separated with your ex because of something you did then a reconciliation is possible. At times the Seven of Swords suggests that you may need to put yourself first to get what you want, even if it means letting others down or putting others off-side. You may be tempted to sneak away fromsomewhere, indicating a situation that is no longer working as expected. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. There is also an element of haste in this card, an indicator of moving fast in a decision making process. The Seven of Swords is a card known to many for its different challenges. The Seven of Swords reversed can also signify ignoring warning signs, being outsmarted or finding that your strategies or plans are unworkable. Therefore, you will become the scapegoat. "Swords cut and it may be that one person in a relationship does not want to hurt or 'cut' the other. Seven of swords in Three of swords: Cheating and lying. This Minor Arcana card can however, be telling you that you may need to use certain strengths such as adaptability, resourcefulness, flexibility, your sharp wit and daring to put yourself ahead of the game. In the past position, the Seven of Swords indicates that your current situation was greatly influenced by your decision to leave. The Seven of Swords is a card that appears in your Tarot reading to reveal issues of breaking free, doing things your own way and abandoning group ideals. As a result, you will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises -- and no excuses for anything but success. It may be time to put some of your projects on the back burner to focus on more pressing issues. They will read your diary and look through your phone if they get a chance. Seven of Swords : past, present, future Seven of Swords in past position . Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. This card also signifies mental manipulation, tactics, scheming, cunning, enemies who masquerade as friends and spies in your camp. Colleagues may be trying to undermine you, spreading lies behind your back or stealing your projects or your business associates may be involved in dodgy deals. If you are currently in a relationship, the Seven of Swords suggests you may be feeling the desire to end it. It can also be an indication that your conscience is coming to the fore again where you may have previously ignored it. Whether youre the victim of this deceit, or youre the one that has been unfair, guilt and shame is likely to push the perpetrator to confession and perhaps reconciliation. The importance of communicating yourself at this point, in your most honest way possible is that at this point in time you are traversing a potential trap of getting stuck into a lack mentality. The Seven of Swords is the seventh card in the suit of Swords (also known as the suit of blades) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. If you are single, the Seven of Swords indicates that you may meet someone who is deceitful and manipulative so be careful. He looks over his shoulder at the two swords that he's left behind. It represents someone who is struggling to make sense of their emotions and may be feeling lost. Heres the thing: you cant be everything to everyone, and sometimes you need to put your own needs and priorities first, even if others may not agree with you or understand where you are coming from. The man has his eyes closed and is facing the carnival colored tents. The Future position is one place in a Tarot reading where the Seven of Swords is about you and you alone. Whatever these changes may be, you find yourself taking action that will benefit you in some way. In a spiritual context, the Seven of Swords warns you of deception. Its the 80-20 rule: 20% of your work will account for 80% of your results, so focus on the 20%. When you have received this card, you can be guaranteed that someone in your life, maybe even you, have been up to no good. The Seven of Swords can also represent flexibility, adaptability, sharp wit, resourcefulness, being strategic or being overly rational. Even the kindest lie to spare feelings can grow into big problems should the root cause not be addressed. Now is the time to get real with where you are and confront your situation head-on. It functioned much like the civilian smallsword and displayed a man's rank. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. Start every day with guidance from the cards. There are instances when we are forced to be sneaky, hoping that we will not be discovered. If you are involved in an affair or extra-marital relationship, the reversed Seven of Swords shows a growing reluctance to keep up the charade. There are instances whenwe are forced to be sneaky, hoping that wewill not be discovered. It represents escaping detection and getting away with something.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',180,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-180{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. However, again, you must not jump to conclusions when this Minor Arcana card appears reversed as it can also be an indication that a third party who has been spreading lies or stirring trouble in your relationship will be exposed for the liar they are. Now may be a good time to get your taxes paid, and in order before you get in deeper trouble. Feeling like youre in a permanent state of catch 22 is exhausting, so dont hesitate to see a psychologist. In a career Tarot reading, the Seven of Swords can indicate that there is some deceit or trickery around you in a work setting. Nevertheless, youve enjoyed your time with your coworkers and feel like you may be letting them down. It may well be that you overestimated your strength or underestimated the challenges before you. But if you are unlucky, others will soon find out what you have done, causing you shame and embarrassment. Tarot cards are used throughout much of Europe to play Tarot card games. This card represents the positive mental habits of a natural winner. Have you went into a particular career field for the wrong reasons? If your instincts have been telling you that you are being lied to, you may need to confront this and have an honest discussion. This can come outside of you, but you may also be inviting these situations if you are trying any get rich quick schemes, or gambling away your money on other shady deals. In most versions of Tarot decks he is scampering across the desert vista, in plain sight for us to see. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. The thief manages to be stylish, though, always depicted in a fez-style hat, with some Tarot decks making sure his quick-footed boots are colored red to match his hat. For whatever reasons, you just dont feel like youve earned your place, that you belong. You may be feeling lucky and bold, but dont let these fleeting feelings conceal the reality of your financial situation. A spouse or a business partner may be getting away with stealing your trust. This could not only hurt your financial situation, but also destabilize your relationship. The Seven of Swords also suggests that you may need to use shortcuts or the backdoor to get what you want. So although this card may highlight that you don't have all the information you need, it can also remind you to focus on yourself. While you might be thinking that you have gotten away, you discover that the situation has cornered you and you are found out as you are trying to escape.There are instances when the Seven of Swords may indicate the willingness to go solo. The suit of swords is related to the element of air and is part of the minor arcana. The Seven of Swords card can also signify running away from commitments or responsibilities. You are swinging into motion, things are happening around you and you refuse to let them pass you by unperturbed. In a money reading, the reversed Seven of Swords indicates youve been trying to change your financial situation to no avail. The expression on the mans face shows quite a bitof confidence, and he seems to be sure of his success on this mission of stealing the swords. Uniqueness is highly coveted and will only make your employer appreciate you for the better. Upright Seven of Swords Meaning The Seven of Swords in general, is said to be about betrayal and deception. The Seven of Swords suggests that youre treating yourself to the things youve always wanted at little or no cost to yourself. If you're looking for clarity or want some perspective, a tarot reading can provide intel for past, present, or future situations. While this is a personal choice, sharing your concerns with your loved ones could help to alleviate some of the stress youve been facing lately. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. With The World card paired to your Seven of Swords, you might be missing out on a lot of what life has to offer out of a sense of alienation or fear. In the past position, the Seven of Swords has several . The Seven of Swords can also indicate a hidden dishonor - a choice you or another has made that does not do justice to the highest. If youre the one attempting to deceive others, you will get away with it. She has been published in Allrecipes, Greatist, The Healthy, The Kitchn and more. Just as likely, though, this card could show that your recent crafty moves are paying off at work and in love. It also represents slander, blackmail and con artists. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. You wish to ignore the fumbling efforts of the ineffectual group and assert your independence. The Seven of Swords predicts that someone will spend their time planning drama or conflict. In the future position, the Seven of Swords becomes significantly less ambiguous and points to your own actions rather than those of a third party such as your partner. If you have been secretly sabotaging a group at work in order to get ahead, you cannot immediately assume that the card represents a friend or lover sneaking around behind your back. The Seven of Swords social entourage may be causing them great misery, impeding their progress or their road towards self-improvement. Others may be more than willing to sell you out because they do not want outsiders to see their own flaws and insecurities. Adorned with holographic gold edges. You just cant seem to make any headway, no matter how much effort you put into it it feels like your money is constantly slipping away from you. Sometimes the 7 of Swords is a simple statement that the strategies and the approach youre using at work is just not working, and youll have to change how you handle your projects. Put aside your pride for a moment to examine how youve been acting and how it might be affecting your relationship. This deception will be exposed and truth will come out but this card can indicate a number of scenarios in the circumstances that bring this about. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. An online resource for tarot and divination enthusiasts. The card of course can indicate that someone cheated on you, a fact you might still not really be sure of. UPRIGHT: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, REVERSED: Imposter syndrome, self-deceit, keeping secrets. If not, dont suddenly leave without warning. Discover Your Tomorrow! We all make wrong choices that we want to hide. For whatever reason, you find yourself either unable to start this process, or simply unable to finish the job and depart for good. Refrain from accusing those around you, but remain vigilant that someone, maybe an associate or a partner, might be looking to quit, leaving you high and dry. The card symbolizes the rejection of morality and ethics, moving forward no matter what. Sneaking away from a military camp with swords he has stolen from the enemy, the man in this picture must leave two behind. The plans you have made are not going as well as you hoped. If you pulled the Seven of Swords reversed in this reading, this, too, may signify doubts or deception. Or you may say yes to some projects at the expense of others. Detailed meanings of the Seven of Swords What Crystals are Good for Sleep and Luck. While upright, this card can stand for a cunning victory attained by deception and trickery, the reversal can stand for either a more extreme version of such behavior. It can also indicate that you need to be more honest in your approach to relationships. When the Seven of Swords is reversed it reminds us that even heroic effort sometimes does not fully succeed or goes unappreciated. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, but don't play a deceitful game.". In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Swords is associated with thought, intellect, mental strength, and integrity. One just can't wish problems away. Some might see this as opportunistic and selfish. The Seven of Swords is a card that demands you look inward and examine your own behavior. Instead of focusing on increasing your income, take a good look at your spending habits. It is not easy to carry the weight of dishonesty; for it usually comes with constant anxiety of being found out. He has a sly grin on his face, and he is carrying five swords in his hand. Whatever the situation, this deceit appears to be escaping your detection. If you pull the Seven of Swords for a love or relationship reading, Herrera tells mbg that this card may represent deception or a secret. There may be some shady characters in your workplace. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. Also, if the Seven of Swords appears in a Tarot spread as a negative, weakness or blockage, this can also indicate that you are dishonest with others and with yourself. If the answer is yes to any of these questions then the results of your self-deception will begin to affect you emotionally. Do they like me? In office politics, we are often forced to act behind the back of someone to ensure our job security. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. When you have received this card, you can be guaranteed that someone in your life, maybe even you, have been up to no good. The Seven of Swords is the card of deceit. On the bright side, this card is also a reminder to put yourself first and make yourself a priority moving forward. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. You know what steps to take and what order to take them in to bring about a desirable outcome in this situation. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. The Lovers card suggests that youre totally confident about your heart-driven decision, knowing it will bring you great happiness. Although you may suspect that you have been lied to, in most cases you will not be able to prove it for a fact. It is a Minor Arcana card of dangerous or risky behaviour, daring, courage and staying ahead of the game. One day you will realize that your partner is not all they appear to be. It may also be telling you to avoid making risky gambles with money or investments or dodgy deals at this time. Tarot readings with Major Arcana cards indicate deeper situations in ones life. The Seven of Swords represents someone who has secret and solitary plans. They can also represent conflict, hardship, and misfortune. Discipline yourself to stay focused on the desired outcome and you will make your way past all competing circumstances. The message of this card is clear. Got questions? You may find yourself misunderstood by those around you, even if you never intended to hurt them. This Tarot card can also be an indicator that you are lacking a backbone, behaving in cowardly manner, stealing credit for other people's achievements or running away from consequences. For those that participate in nefarious deeds now is the time to come clean. This deception may appear in the form of associates, teachers or religious leaders who may be underhanded or deceitful in their dealings with you, do not allow yourself to be manipulated. This style of was popular with high-ranking officers. Alternatively, it can mean that something will end, not for any fault of your own, but because of the interference of other people. "With the swords [reversed], I always come back to the phrase, 'The sword cuts both ways,'" explains Herrera. It is important to be ready to hear things that can hurt. This card may also be telling you that your current plans and strategies are unworkable so you might need to go back to the drawing board and be a bit more creative. Unfortunately for him though, on the left there seems to bea group of soldiers who have discovered the theft and one soldier is actually raising a flag or a weapon as if to signal his pursuit. They look strong and stable. As a card of inner deceit, the reversed Seven of Swords represents keeping secrets hidden from others. If you have done the best you could do and responded to the calls of conscience appropriately, you are still a noble soul. Or can't find what youre looking for? This Minor Arcana card can however, be telling you that you may need to use certain strengths such as adaptability, resourcefulness, flexibility, your sharp wit and daring to put yourself ahead of the game. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? If youve been toying with a decision, now may be a good time to take action. You may have enough of an overview to see how to advance through the maze and achieve your goal. "If you've asked about a specific person's interest in you, then the answer could mean that person is opposed to you having a relationship," explains Zerner and Farber. All Rights Reserved. If you dont have a predetermined fixed budget, now would be a great time to figure out where all your money is going. This Minor Arcana card also represents enemies masquerading as friends so it can also signify a third party trying to stir trouble in your relationship! As such, some may find the Seven of Swords difficult to approach, their mysterious aura too intimidating for casual confrontation. On the other hand, you may have just ended a relationship, and dont feel confident or independent enough to make your way on your own. Perhaps one of you is not being honest about your feelings or may be trying to manipulate the other rather than being honest and upfront about what you want. You will no doubt feel much lighter as a result. Nevertheless, you will likely have to make a difficult decision for your own benefit. In a positive reading, the Seven of Swords can predict that you will get the things you what despite the fact that you have bad motives. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. Alternatively, this Minor Arcana card reversed represents pathological liars, serial cheaters, people who are malicious or so two faced they are toxic or dangerous to be around. If youre wondering what a partner (or potential partners) feelings are the Seven of Swords means they do not have loving intentions. Skillful preparation justifies the optimism of the natural winner. Alternatively, this Minor Arcana card reversed represents pathological liars, serial cheaters, people who are malicious or so two faced they are toxic or dangerous to be around. When read in the present position, the Seven of Swords represents either your decision to make an important change in your life, or the possibility that someone else will make that change for you. with The Tarot Guide? Be careful regarding your finances right now, as there may be some sort of trickery, scam or stealing of your resources. . Advertisement What does the Seven of Swords card mean? It represents escaping detection and getting away with something. Creating a new path. The Seven of Swords upright suggests that youre going through some kind of transformation. Though you currently enjoy many aspects of your workplace, you feel yourself stagnating, lacking upward mobility. Continuing the epic tale of The Seven Swords, City of Songs is an action-packed, darkly magical mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of the Raven's Shadow and Draconis Memoria trilogies. The Seven of Swords is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. Get Your FREE Tarot Card Meanings Reference Guide, And Avoid Getting Stuck When Trying To Remember The Card Meanings. See her portfolio on her website. The truth is about to be revealed. In the Rider-Waite deck, the Seven of Swords depicts a man dressed in a yellow tunic tiptoeing quietly away from a camp. Shame and embarrassment enough of an overview to see a psychologist take them in to bring about a desirable in... Of an overview to see how to advance through the maze and achieve your goal been! Some projects at the two Swords that he & seven of swords x27 ; s left behind x27 s... The wrong reasons spiritual context, the Kitchn and more be letting them down in of! All make wrong choices that we want to hurt or 'cut ' the other that will! Hoping that wewill not be addressed get your taxes paid, and he is across. In most versions of Tarot decks he is scampering across the desert vista, in sight... Money is going or a business partner may be more than willing to you... 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